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WEEE4Future at Liceo “Talete” of Rome

WEEE4Future at Liceo “Talete” of Rome

Apr 21, 2023

The journey of the WEEE4Future project continues, which thanks to the support of the Consorzio RLG is reaching a large number of Italian students, continuing…

WEEE4Future at the “Gabriele D'Annunzio” school of Gorizia

WEEE4Future at the “Gabriele D'Annunzio” school of Gorizia

Mar 9, 2023

Thanks to the support of the Consorzio RLG, the WEEE4Future project continues in Italian schools, to spread a message of sustainability by raising awareness among…

WEEE4Future at the “Enrico Fermi” school of Mantova

WEEE4Future at the “Enrico Fermi” school of Mantova

Feb 24, 2023

Thanks to the partnership with Consorzio RLG, this year the WEEE4Future project, supported by EIT Raw Materials and managed by dss+, is travelling all over…

Collection event - Bologna, Italy

Collection event - Bologna, Italy

Oct 8, 2022

A collaboration between CNR and HERA saw from May 31 to June 5 2021 a collection of small WEEE ( computers, cell phones etc.) at the High School "Enrico…

WEEE4Future at the National Science Festival - Genoa, Italy

WEEE4Future at the National Science Festival - Genoa, Italy

Oct 8, 2022

The #WEEE4Future Project was presented at the National Science Festival of Genoa 2020. The stand was set up by EIT RawMaterials in collaboration with the National Research Council of Italy. This year, the National Science Festival introduced visitors to both…

Collaboration with the Polytechnic of Milan, Italy

Collaboration with the Polytechnic of Milan, Italy

Oct 8, 2022

In October 2020, WEEE4Future started a fruitful collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano. WEEE4Future suppliedtutors to represent “the company” in the Politecnico’s ‘Business in Transformation Lab.’ This is a course for students in…


